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Songs from TV's Villa Alegre 1 with free video download of "Why I Like Me" from Internet Archive


This LP includes a free video download of "Villa Alegre -Full Episode From 1979 -Why I Like Me" from Internet Archive, shown on:

where the story says:

Here it is at last! A full episode of Villa Alegre! Special Thanks to: The Most High God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, who saw fit to allow the circumstances enabling this video to be obtained and uploaded, and the University of Georgia, and those responsible for uploading it the the University's Peabody Collection. This is the ONLY episode I have, "Why I Like Me". One day, americanarchiveDOTorg may upload some VA episodes, as they did have some listed, before their site was modified into its present form, so look there regularly. I'll try to answer any questions, but give me a few days.